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Pull Request Generator

The Pull Request generator uses the API of an SCMaaS provider (eg GitHub/GitLab) to automatically discover open pull requests within an repository. This fits well with the style of building a test environment when you create a pull request.

yaml apiVersion: kind: ApplicationSet metadata: name: myapps spec: generators: - pullRequest: # See below for provider specific options. github: # ...


Specify the repository from which to fetch the Github Pull requests.

yaml apiVersion: kind: ApplicationSet metadata: name: myapps spec: generators: - pullRequest: github: # The GitHub organization or user. owner: myorg # The Github repository repo: myrepository # For GitHub Enterprise (optional) api: # Reference to a Secret containing an access token. (optional) tokenRef: secretName: github-token key: token # Labels is used to filter the PRs that you want to target. (optional) labels: - preview requeueAfterSeconds: 1800 template: # ...

  • owner: Required name of the GitHub organization or user.
  • repo: Required name of the Github repositry.
  • api: If using GitHub Enterprise, the URL to access it. (Optional)
  • tokenRef: A Secret name and key containing the GitHub access token to use for requests. If not specified, will make anonymous requests which have a lower rate limit and can only see public repositories. (Optional)
  • labels: Labels is used to filter the PRs that you want to target. (Optional)


As with all generators, several keys are available for replacement in the generated application.

yaml apiVersion: kind: ApplicationSet metadata: name: myapps spec: generators: - pullRequest: # ... template: metadata: name: 'myapp-{{branch}}-{{number}}' spec: source: repoURL: '' targetRevision: '{{head_sha}}' path: kubernetes/ helm: parameters: - name: "image.tag" value: "pull-{{head_sha}}" project: default destination: server: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: default

  • number: The ID number of the pull request.
  • branch: The name of the branch of the pull request head.
  • head_sha: This is the SHA of the head of the pull request.

Webhook Configuration

When using a Pull Request generator, the ApplicationSet controller polls every requeueAfterSeconds interval (defaulting to every 30 minutes) to detect changes. To eliminate this delay from polling, the ApplicationSet webhook server can be configured to receive webhook events, which will trigger Application generation by the Pull Request generator.

The configuration is almost the same as the one described in the Git generator, but there is one difference: if you want to use the Pull Request Generator as well, additionally configure the following settings.

In section 1, "Create the webhook in the Git provider", add an event so that a webhook request will be sent when a pull request is created, closed, or label changed. Select Let me select individual events and enable the checkbox for Pull requests.

Add Webhook

The Pull Request Generator will requeue when the next action occurs.

  • opened
  • closed
  • reopened
  • labeled
  • unlabeled
  • synchronized

For more information about each event, please refer to the official documentation.