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Getting Started

This guide assumes you are familiar with Argo CD and its basic concepts. See the Argo CD documentation for more information.


  • Installed kubectl command-line tool
  • Have a kubeconfig file (default location is ~/.kube/config).


Install ApplicationSet into an existing Argo CD install

The ApplicationSet controller must be installed into the same namespace as the Argo CD it is targetting.

Presuming that Argo CD is installed into the argocd namespace, run the following command:

kubectl apply -n argocd -f

Once installed, the ApplicationSet controller requires no additional setup.

The manifests/install.yaml file contains the Kubernetes manifests required to install the ApplicationSet controller:

  • CustomResourceDefinition for ApplicationSet resource
  • Deployment for argocd-applicationset-controller
  • ServiceAccount for use by ApplicationSet controller, to access Argo CD resources
  • Role granting RBAC access to needed resources, for ServiceAccount
  • RoleBinding to bind the ServiceAccount and Role

Install ApplicationSet and Argo CD together

You may install both the ApplicationSet controller and the latest stable Argo CD together, by creating a namespace and applying manifests/install-with-argo-cd.yaml:

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f

Once installed, follow the Argo CD Getting Started to access Argo CD and log-in to the Web UI.

The ApplicationSet controller requires no additional setup.

Customized install using Kustomize

To extend or customize the ApplicationSet controller installation, Kustomize may be used with the existing namespace install manifests/namespace-install/kustomize.yaml file.

Next Steps

Once your ApplicationSet controller is up and running, proceed to Use Cases to learn more about the supported scenarios, or proceed directly to Generators to see example ApplicationSet resources.